Anxiety feeds off of avoidance

Beginning of the week reminder:

Anxiety feeds off of avoidance. When we push things off, we might feel short term relief, but in the long run our feelings of anxiety only increase.

The antidote for this is to do the thing your anxiety is making you want to avoid. In small, tolerable chunks. This often increases our anxiety for the short term (we now have to do the thing we’re afraid to do!), but our anxiety decreases with time- because to put it in a simplified way- IT’S NOT AS BAD AS YOU THINK IT WILL BE. It actually feels really really relieving to do the thing you’ve been avoiding.

This is how I’m starting off my week- with an intention to tackle (manageably!) the things I’ve been been putting off because they make me feel stressed. Oh- trust me- I’ve got a whole list!

What’s an intention your bringing with you into this fresh new week?

Lots of love for the week ahead!


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