Burnout Part 2

Here’s part 2 of my burnout series this week. (If you missed part 1, please look at yesterday’s post).

Burnout is a very real thing that can happen when we hold sustained stress that overwhelms our coping/managing resources. It’s most commonly talked about as work related burnout...but it is not limited to work. It can arise from full-time parenting, or trying to be your kids’ teacher right now. It can come from over-use of technology. It can certainly stem from work.

There are some things we can do to help ourselves if we’re feeling burned out— or help us notice the signs so we can stop and do something to help ourselves before we get there.

We first start with recognition of what’s going on. Without the awareness, we don’t know we have something we need support for. Once we have awareness, we can move into helping ourselves through it. This involves with preventative as well as with coping strategies.

On this post I listed a combination of behavioral and cognitive strategies that may be useful if you’re experiencing burnout, or think you’re heading there. It’s also important to highlight that working with burnout and reclaiming balance takes time. It’s not an overnight fix, or something you ‘snap out of.’ As with everything else, healing and recovery take time.

What would you add here?

Sending you lots of strength!
- Leah


Social Media & Mental Health


Burnout Part 1