Self Care When We Need It Most

Thought I’d take a little break from posting on bullying to talk a bit about self-care and offer some food for thought.

These is such an irony when it comes to self-care and our relationship to it. It’s often one of the first things to go when we’re anxious, depressed, or having an otherwise hard day YET that’s when we need it the most.

It’s an interesting thing how when we’re feeling energized and well, we’re more driven to perpetuating that cycle. And when we’re feeling bad, we often withhold from self-care and this feeds into a vicious cycle of not feeling well.

So here’s a reminder that when your mind tells you “I don’t feel like it” or “ I can’t” or “I don’t have the time/energy/desire” that’s a clue to thank your mind for those (unhelpful) thoughts and see about practicing some self care.

It can be small baby steps. That’s okay. Often, just showing up is the hardest part. Once we get going, we often keep going.

Would love your thoughts!

Lots of love!

Leah 💗


Choose to Focus on What is in Your Control


Adult Bullying Part 3