Self Compassion


Self-compassion forms a foundation for a richly fulfilling life. Perfectionism is an illusion- we think this is the key to productivity and being in control, when in reality it often leads to burnout.

Reality is, perfectionism creates the illusion of control. We’re actually highlighting our fear of uncertainty with perfectionism- not emphasizing control. Control comes from embracing uncertainty and finding healthy places of personal power and agency.

Perfectionism is a harsh way to live. It really does counter self compassion- and self kindness and self forgiveness. Perfectionism at its core is an unkindness to ourselves.

When we practice self compassion, we can really enhance our experience here in so many different ways.

So what do you say about forgoing perfectionism (slowly, gently, compassionately) for self compassion?

Leaning in and Letting go. Breathing. Affirming how your worth is completely outcome independent and you are strong enough to handle anything.

How does that sound?

Sending you all so much love!


The Importance of Rest


When life gives you lemons…