Misinformation on happiness

Happiness has been on my mind a lot lately. We use this word so much- I think in many different capacities. What is true happiness? And is it something we can access independent of what is unfolding in our lives?

I think there’s a lot of misinformation when it comes to happiness: That we need things to be a certain way to be happy, or there’s something wrong if we’re not happy.

The truth is, happiness is an internal state- independent of anything external AND it’s human and okay to not feel happy.

There are ways to cultivate inner happiness, though. Practicing gratitude is one conduit to happiness. Connecting with people is another. Abs so many other ways in.

So the happiness paradox goes like this: I can both know I can access joy at any time AND be perfectly okay embracing the moments when it’s harder to find.

What do you think about happiness? What’s one of your happiness truths?

So much love to you!


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