Noticing & Releasing Tension

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Just a little bit of mindfulness. Doing a quick body scan can be so helpful in connecting with our bodies in a nurturing way, noticing any tension we are carrying, and releasing it if we can. I typically find tension in my shoulders, jaw, forehead.

And yes- I have been told by family and friends that I wear my ‘therapist face’ when I’m intently listening. I don’t do it intentionally- but practicing mindfulness has helped me become more aware of how often I’m tensing my face like that- both in and out of therapy! 😅

I also have noticed over the years the tendency to hold my breath when stressed. I used to do this all the time with very little awareness. When I started meditating 6+ years ago, I started a beautiful journey of greater self awareness- in both mind and body.

What’s your experience with meditation/mindfulness?

Leah 💗


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