Owning Your Exposure

Beginning of the week mental health reminder:

We can find so much personal power in what we allow to enter the innermost corners of our life. Who we spend time with. The content we consume. What we listen to...

What we see/expose ourselves to directly influences how we feel and ultimately the actions we take. It’s so cool how we can choose to a big extent what we are opening ourselves up to.

Of course, we can’t and shouldn’t always shield ourselves from upsetting content. But, to a large extent, we CAN. We just forget about this piece of agency and get into habits that may or may not be working for us.

I had a recent insight that something I was following was not making me feel great. It’s amazing how while I was aware of this on some level, the exposure became habitual and I ignored the icky feeling I would get. So this week I’m going to try and be intentional and kind in what I choose to allow in. Make more mindful choices about what I check on. *And then reflect on how this shifts my mood.* (that’s important!)

What are your thoughts on the influence of content consumption? Is there anything you avoid because you’ve gained an awareness that it has a negative impact on you?


Owning Your Successes


The power of acceptance